Monday, November 24, 2014

5 Frame Storyboard


Reflecting on the comments and grade of your stop-motion animation... what you would do differently if you had to do it all over again? Would you manage your time better? Find better lighting for your photos? Come up with a better idea? Explain what you would change about your video.


What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

For Thanksgiving I am going to visit my mom's boyfriends family. We are going to spend two nights there. A tradition that we have is to go black Friday together. One year we stayed up all night shopping and it was a blast. Before my aunt died we used to all have matching shirts and take a group photo wearing them. Over Thanksgiving break we also put up out Christmas tree and take a family picture to go on our Christmas cards.  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Tell me about your weekend.


Tell me about your experience with taking your stop-motion photos. What problems did you run in to? What did you find difficult about the process? What would you go back and change about HOW you took the photos? Explain yourself.


What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.


Yesterday you edited and uploaded photos to your blog. Tell me more about your photos. HOW did you edit them? Why did you choose the photos that you did? Explain your assignment.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Tell me about your idea for your 5 frame story board. What is the plot? How do you plan to make the story creative? Who's the main character? What is the beginning, middle and end? Tell me about your plan of attack.

For my 5 frame story board I am telling a story about how to do an aerial. It is going to be creative because not many people can do one. The main characters are Sadie Myer and Sydney R. The begging is them starting out and then the middle is them in the air and finally the end is them celebrating landing it. I plan to have them do an aerial together and take the pictures.

Monday, November 3, 2014


What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?


What did you do this weekend?

This weekend I just spent a lot of time with my family because I have been really sick. I watched movies with them and made pies. I also had to work on Saturday and I babysat all day on Sunday. I also hung out with my friends one night and celebrated Halloween. It was a pretty relaxing weekend.